Monday, April 29, 2013

Black Boy

Read ALL of chapter 3, pages 78-102.

Focus on the major themes of the novel.

  • Individual identity vs. the expectations of society (family)
  • Racism
  • Existentialism (the meaning of life is to exist/experience)
  • Hunger/Poverty 

There will be a short essay quiz on Monday.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Unit 13 Vocabulary: #1-10 due Thursday, April 25th, #11-20 due Tuesday, April 30th.


abet, aver, blatant, broach, buttress, carousal, collate, connoisseur, disconsolate, encumber


foment, grisly, herculean, impassive, inauspicious, incontrovertible, nonplussed, opportune, prolific, rejoinder.

Journal 3: Black Boy

Read until the bottom of page 68 for Weds. Then write a 1/2 page journal on your previous reading....

Theorize:  How might the murder of Uncle Hoskins effect Richard in his pursuit of success? How might the murder have a negative impact on the aspirations of black people who heard about the murder?

1/2 page journal

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Black Boy: Journal 2

Read until the end of Chapter 1 (pages 14-35).  Write 5 vocabulary words that you do not understand and 2 attractive/creative sentence structures.  

Copy the sentence structures in adding lively sentences to your own story.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Black Boy: Journal 1

Read pages 3-14 (until pg. 14 "Contrite I went to bed, hopeing that I would never see another kitten.")

Write down two sentences from the book that are descriptive, complex, and scintillating.

Then...copy the STRUCTURE of the sentences and create a UNIQUE sentence to enhance your story of foolishness or isolation.

ex. 1

Text from Black Boy:

Behind me my brother- a year younger than I- was playing placidly upon the floor with a toy.

Your original text:

In front of me my sister- four years younger than I- was jumping intermittently upon my dog with her pogo stick.

Unit 12 Vocabulary: #1-10 due on Thursday, April 11 #11-20 due Tuesday, April 16


absolve, caricature, clangor, contiguous, cupidity, deleterious, enhance, enthrall, extenuate, implicit


incisive, ostentatious, paragon, paraphrase, politic, prosaic, redundant, sanctimonious, scintillating, winsome.